Friday, August 27, 2010

I've Got Fractals On My Mind

This is going to sound totally weird, but I remember the first time I saw an image of a Mandelbrot set and what that did to me. I was somewhere in my young teens when my family went to California to visit my grandparents. We also visited my dad's best buddy, who worked for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He took us on a tour of the place and we ended up in his office. While we were there, he pulled up a picture of a Mandelbrot set on his computer. Nice. Whatever. But as he started zooming in and zooming in, I began to understand what fractals were and it BLEW MY MIND!

Last night I was reading some more Turbulent Mirror, and I had to stop, close the book and just think about the fact that a coastline is of infinite distance. In fact, all the coastlines of all the continents of the world have the same distance: infinite. Now, fractals have been in my mind for the better part of 23 (or so) years, but it was like a fresh punch in the head to be reminded of just how cool they are. Wow! Take THAT, geometry!

Less obscurely, I managed to write five articles in one day yesterday. I got up at 5:30am and wrote two before the kids went to school. Then, I hung out with Little Gary during the morning and part of the afternoon, and when the older girls got home, they watched Little Gary and I pumped out three more. Husband came home from work and wrote one, as well. Six in one day. It's definitely a record. Every little bit helps.

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