Monday, August 9, 2010

Amateur Black and White Photography

Pardon the dust. I forgot to give the scanner a quick swipe and I can't be bothered to scan it again.

This is Husband, our oldest, Sian, and I in 1995. We were back in Minnesota and Husband was attending college. I was going through a string of very bad hairdo decisions (you'll see as I post more photos) and Husband had decided to go with a goatee/mustache combo, which he later abandoned and then questioned with his very soul, since his facial hair never came in as more than sort of scrappy. I notice it's back in fashion now, but he won't be trying it again. Nor will I ever, EVER wear bangs. I should have learned my lesson by then.

I took a photography class with Shanna once and so I used my family as subjects for my black and white phase. Here is Sian, above and below, age 9 or 10. I probably took all these black and white photos in 2003.

I captured Husband working hard on his journal. This was the beginning of his writing career. He claims that I made him what he is, in a somewhat literary sense, because he never read much before he married me. Now he's as big a bookworm as I am.

Gabrielle was about 7 or 8 here.

Now why this picture of the dining room? I was thinking about still life photography. Here you can see the way I usually leave walls blank, like canvases waiting to be painted. Is it the anticipation of art? Is it a comment on my mental state? Or is it that I can't afford my style?



Kimara said...

Beautiful talent is endless it seems

Eva Aurora said...

Thanks, Kimara. My talent is not endless, of course, but you're very kind. I seem to be missing that important section of the brain that is good at strategy games, for one thing. I am completely unorganized, and I would never have dared take on the job of renovating a house like you and your family. I am anxious to see more on that because I'm really envious of your opportunity (she said, not sweating through hours of labor and toil). Keep the posts and pictures coming!

P.S. That was only a very, very short list of the talents I don't have. :)

Eva Aurora said...

And just so we're clear, I was laughing at myself about the dining room photo. That "Merry Christmas" banner on a blank wall just struck me as so lonely and pathetic.

The Father of Five said...

Really nice photos... Love the "newlywed" photo - and the one of Husband on the couch!!