Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Little Worried

I can't think that I have anything remotely interesting to say today. I spent the morning cleaning the kitchen the way the kids never do, so now it's well and truly clean. That should last for about...5 minutes..., and that might be an overestimation.

Husband has been feeling pretty ill this past week. He's run down and doesn't feel well. I try my best not to get hysterical every time he has a sniffle or feels tired, but I have to admit that I'm quite worried by now. I will probably never get over that.

Fortunately, he has his check-up on Monday, so we'll see if it's just a virus or if his blood results come back saying something more sinister is going on.

1 comment:

LeShel said...

How often do you hope that you've got a virus. Hope you've got a virus!!