Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blood Sugar Spike

For the last year, Husband has been on a quest to make the perfect brown sugar fudge. He got it right once, and then suffered failure after failure as his fudges turned out crystallized and crumbly.

Today, I am happy to report, has been a red-letter day in his quest. Today he has found the perfect recipe and created the perfect brown sugar fudge. Right now, I'm just a wee bit sick of brown sugar after sampling his fudge and then sampling some more just to make sure it was still perfect.

Husband mostly confines his cooking ventures to the sweet variety. Whenever I make cranberry cake, he makes the cream/butter sauce that goes on top. He is great at mixing up custard, and he once made the best bread pudding I have ever eaten. Unfortunately, despite evidence to the contrary, he continues to be convinced that he is no good at cooking and that since I am better at it than he, I should be the one to make dinner.

Gabrielle is just fine with her daddy cooking up sweet stuff. Husband has passed along his British sweet tooth to all of his children.

1 comment:

Kimara said...

mmmmm....I think I would love Brown sugar fudge. Will you post the recipe for me to try! Your daughter is beautiful! I love that you have the camera up and working!