Monday, September 29, 2008

Kicking my own behind

Ambition: nil
Things I have done that really need doing: none
Things I have to do: many
Result: stress
Solution: get off my lazy butt and get some stuff done and quit whining about it already!


Shanna said...

But sometimes it is just more fun to do the things that don't need doing. I call those days my mental health days. You just need them sometimes. It's ok! You are awesome anyway.

Shanna said...

I some chocolate!

Eva Aurora said...

Thanks, Shanna. The problem lies in having too many mental health days, which is my problem. I did, however, get a lot of stuff done recently. None of it included housework, but it was kind of a mental health day to get out and do all the necessary running around.

Chocolate, check.