Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Arte y Pico

So here's the deal with the award. My friend, The Father of Five, was awarded the Arte y Pico, an award for blogs that are inspiring in some way to the award giver. There are certain rules associated with it, to wit:

"Created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and their talents, and for contributing to the blogging world in whatever medium. When you receive this award it is considered a “special honor.” Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to 5 others. What a wonderful way to show some love and appreciation to your fellow bloggers! The rules for passing this honor on are: Pick 5 blogs that you would like to award this honor to. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself. Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award from Arte Y Pico."

That leaves me with the job of awarding the Arte y Pico to five other blogs. In no particular order, the Arte y Pico goes to...

Life According to Allyson I met Allyson at the park during the summer while our kids lunched on nutritionally deficient foodstuffs provided by the school district to all children under 18. When she barely knew me she lent me a maternity swimsuit because I couldn't find one, and the ones I did find sported indecently plunging necklines (as if pregnant women feel a real need to show off large swathes of chest to go with the huge bellies). I mentioned that I'd just started blogging and asked if she had a blog. I've been following hers ever since. I love reading her creative, funny, and family centered postings, along with the comments from her multitude of witty and supportive family and friends. She's moved now, so I won't see her at the park anymore, and I will have to read her blog to get the news on her family.

Vikings vs Pancakes I was idly looking at blogs from people's blogrolls, and thought this one had a very interesting name. Lo and behold, I found a real gem. As I read all the back-posts I couldn't stop laughing at David S.'s sincerely charming deadpan humor. One of my favorite posts is "Jesus" , and I also went and checked out (and read!) a book by Solzhenitsyn after reading some excerpts David S. shared. I don't know the author personally, but whenever I hum "Foux du Fafa" I can't help but think of him.

Our Life on Pause This one is written by the wife of the author of Vikings vs Pancakes, and, again, I don't know the author personally. What I like about Mrs. S.'s blog is that it's about the daily life of her and her family, well written and full of her observations. I feel a strong interest in this little family, probably because I can relate so well to their experiences, but I wouldn't want her to think I think we're best friends or anything because I read her blog. I'm not creepy like that (stalking just takes up so much time). I love the background for her blog, too.

Punishment: Earth This guy (alien?), Flibbet Cranklewisp, sounds like the dictionary's definition of "self-confidence." He's only written three posts but now I have to find out what happens to him and what his experiences on our world will entail. I hope this award will encourage him to write more, but I wonder if he'll send this award to anyone else? He seems to think he's God's gift to humankind...or some kind of people, anyway.

Out In The Country and Lovin' It This is written by one of my friends who moved away from the city and...well, I think the title says it all. She has mouth-watering photos of her garden produce, which always makes me want to run to the internet and start hunting for houses out there. She also has a son serving a mission in Canada, so it's fun to see how he's getting along in the very cold North. Plus, when the music starts, you feel just a little more country yourself.

Although I've used my five awards, I would like to mention two other blogs I like to read.

How To Bore Friends and Influence No One He's got skillz.

The Willy Happy Bunch Written by a friend, but password protected.

Now that that's done, I can go on with my own little essays on life. Thank you for writing your own blogs. While I don't believe we should live life vicariously through other people, reading others' thoughts and experiences is a way we can all be more tolerant and compassionate with all of our brothers and sisters on Earth. I love that every person is unique. How fun is that?


MKShelley said...

Are you serious! Josh totally deserves my award. Can I take it in his honor? His blog is one of my all time favorites.

Eva Aurora said...

I love his blog as well, his wry sense of humor. I wish he would post more often, but that's the greedy reader in me. It's not as if he has a life to lead or anything, right?