Sunday, June 8, 2008

Quiet Sunday

This is a short one today, for your relief and comfort. I have a baby waiting to be put to bed and he's starting to rub his eyes in a major way.
Today I sent most of the girls off to church with my mom (my dad and Husband, who is the bishop of our ward) were already gone. I stayed home with Child Three, who had a bad stomach ache. I figured sending Child Five with his sisters would be cruel and unusual punishment for them. He doesn't exactly sit around quietly and reverently, waiting for his turn to be called upon. Obviously, Child Six stayed with me.
Husband got home early today, around 3:30, only 1 1/2 hours after church got out. That's pretty good. Sometimes he isn't home until much later.
My brother came to dinner and played charades with the kids in the living room while I cooked dinner (I had bought skirt steak on sale, so we had beef and broccoli, mashed potatoes and gravy and mashed sweet potatoes. Not really a theme, but it fed them.). I also made dessert, which I hardly ever do. Brownies and lemon squares. Husband was in heaven. So were the kids.
We had a brief walk after dinner and then to bed.
That is all.


Flibbit Cranklewisp said...

You have a nice, fluid writing style. Did you write for your school paper? Or are you a professional writer in disguise? We must know these things or else we will assume that you have a magical keyboard, or a writing fairy. Or possibly a ghost writing fairy.

Shanna said...

You are hilarious! It's almost as if I were there - wait - I was! Sorry about the machine, but I laughed so hard that S came to the bottom of the stairs and asked what I called her for. Ty's right - you should write a book or something.

Shanna said...
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