Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Depletion of Resources

Today's posting is about a serious problem that, I think, affects us all -- or at least all of us with pre-teen girls in their homes. Still, as you will see in the following video, the ramifications are global and could be disastrous for all of us if we continue to ignore this horrific issue. If you would like to help, please send me money. I know that would sure help me.

Entertainment Scientists Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013


Allyson said...

OH NO! The world will never be the same. I need to take a minute to let this horrible new sink in......

Do you mind if I put a link to your blog on my blog?

Eva Aurora said...

I would absolutely honored if you did that.

Shanna said...

You are so funny!