Monday, March 7, 2022

Adorably Clueless

 In my new capacity as one of the Young Women leaders, I attend the youth Sunday School class. It's good because I can attend with my youngest son, who sometimes needs some kicking in the butt encouragement to go to his class. We accidentally went to the younger class yesterday, which has kids from 11-14, but I wasn't about to let him out of the classroom at that point, having managed to get him in.

The lesson was on the story of Joseph of Egypt. I was sitting next to one of my favorite young women, a very bright girl of twelve whose family obviously spends a lot of time learning and discussing the scriptures. The teacher asked someone to talk about what happened to Joseph in Potiphar's house, and she raised her hand and said, "Well, I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but I think Potiphar's wife was jealous that Potiphar and Joseph were good friends, and she tried to lie about him, and that made Potiphar angry, and he sent Joseph to prison." 

The teacher and I exchanged a glance during which each of us fought very hard to keep straight faces. There was also the very real temptation to exclaim, "You are so adorable!" to this adorable child.

"...Yes, Potiphar's wife was very angry with Joseph, that is correct," the teacher finally said, his lips twitching slightly. When none of the other equally clueless young kids raised their hands to offer the more adult explanation as to the reason Potiphar's wife was angry with Joseph, he said, "Let's talk about Joseph's time in the prison," and moved on. 

Sometimes you want them to never grow up and face the harsh realities of adulthood.  

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