Monday, October 14, 2013

Well, This Extremist Terrorist Has Just About Had Enough

During the whole kerfuffle of a government shutdown, it has become apparent just how much of an influence federal government has in our lives. I, personally, find it incredibly dismaying, but then I would, as a person who could be labeled among the Libertarian Right (wondering where you fall on the political beliefs spectrum? Take this quick little test here.) Granted, the Executive Branch has also overstepped its bounds when it comes to shutting things down in order to cause pain, chaos, and confusion among the American people. It's been documented how many private businesses have been illegally cowed into shutting their doors, after all. But the fact remains that even in the parts of government that were shut down completely legally, it's too much. Too, too much. It makes me want to vomit, in fact. 

Rhetorical question: how did this happen?!

Let's consider Obamacare for a moment (and remember that no one is forcing you to read this blog, so you are free to click away the moment my views grate on yours). My view is that the Affordable Care Act is an atrocity foisted upon the American population through guile (which, as I learned in Relief Society on Sunday means "cunning intelligence," with a strong inference of intentional deceit). Not only is it neither affordable nor caring, but this single piece of legislation will decimate what was left of our God-given rights and liberties as explained in our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. It was touted as the cure to our healthcare ills, but those of us who are naturally suspicious of any solutions presented by a federal government that created the problem in the first place were condescendingly told by the Queen of Idiocy, Nancy Pelosi, that "we have to pass it to see what's in it." 

Ms. Pelosi has already been proven to have rabies (I'm sure I could find some backup internet link to prove that claim if I looked hard enough), but even if we all had rabies and we would have been unilaterally overjoyed to see what was in it, the legislation was passed with NOT ONE Republican vote. Since then, Republicans in Congress have tried 30 times to repeal Obamacare. Their constituents demand it. Tea Party politicians were elected primarily on that platform. And yet the mainstream media continually issues inane commentary such as, "Republicans are keeping the issue alive because they need to get people all up in a froth and a dither for mid-term elections coming up in 2014." Or they offer nuggets of "journalism" that label people who do not support Obamacare as being racist, homophobes, bigots, extremists, and terrorists. After all, another government program that effectively takes over a huge, huge chunk of our economy will be different than all the thousands of other programs, right? This one will allow you to keep your doctor and your current insurance if you like it. It won't cost us an extra dime! Your insurance premiums won't go up because we'll make the evil, evil insurance companies reduce their profits and all that. Sh, sh, now go to sleep, little darling. There is not trouble here. Just quietly take my hand and I will lead and guide you. Just look at every other government program that has worked exactly as it was originally mandated. Wait, don't look.

Well, pardon me for my extremism and terroristic tendencies, but I can do some math, and the math doesn't add up. I spotted those promises as outright lies the first time the teleprompter said them. I also found out that many more aspects of my life will come under federal government control (through this legislation and a flurry of executive orders that have already been issued), either through outright usurpation by the Executive Branch of the Legislative Branch's responsibilities (the Judicial Branch is already mostly an extension of the Executive Branch by this point) or outright force. The umbrella of healthcare, you see, is so vast and intricate that the government will need to take care of you from birth to death. This means that everything is related to your health--what you eat, your career, your hobbies, where you travel, when you can see your doctor, where you go to school, your political views, your religion, etc., etc., etc. You see where that is headed?

Didn't they do some sort of movie about this? Wasn't it called Terminator? Where computers and artificial intelligence came to the conclusion that the only way to protect humanity was to completely control it (or eliminate it)? Or was that I, Robot? Yeah, I get my sci-fi stuff confused now because it's all happening for real. 

The problem with the labels mainstream media is giving to the opposition is two-fold: it tries to isolate what is, in actuality, a large percentage of the American public who are angry about this legislation and who find it the next big step toward total socialism (and then Marxism); and it trains the American people to accept the propaganda that certain segments of the American population (those, in short, who do not agree with the administration) are undesirable and detestable. You know what happened to Hitler's undesirables. And no one thinks it could happen here? 

My last point is that human nature has changed not a whit since Day One. Have you ever taken the time to make the scary journey into your dark side? I'm a big believer of knowing the shadows in your soul, and everyone is a combination of light and shadow. When you know what is lurking in those closets and dank alleyways that make up your psyche, it is truly frightening. But knowing it helps to control it. It helps you face your unnamed fears and name them, and names have power. I, for instance, fully realize that I have within me a full range of horrors, from unmitigated cruelty to the love of ultimate tyranny (me as tyrant, of course). I have never acted on those dark things because the light in me finds them repulsive and hideous. But they are there, and now that they have been named, I can imagine the possibilities of what human nature can stoop to. 

Someone else knows exactly the depths to which we can fall, as well, and the Father of Lies (Satan, in this case, and not Obama) carefully works on naive or unsuspecting peoples' ambitions and weaknesses to bring out the worst vices, tyranny, and oppressive tendencies. Some people really believe they are doing good works by forcing people to bend to their will. Some people realize what is happening but are just glad it's not happening to them. Some people revel in the oppressive control they inflict on others. Any of us can be any of those types of people if we want to be. This legislation allows those who have the power and who believe they are smarter, more compassionate, or more relevant to use the population as a collective resource. That can only be accomplished with complete control. Socialized healthcare is a major step in that direction. Just ask Lenin, who said, "Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state." What's even better is to have the people clamoring for their enslavement as the yoke is placed upon them.

If you're not sure that being in a socialist state is a bad thing, I imagine you would find my entire argument (see above) to be null and void. In that case, I weep for you. And I invite you to do some research and to read my next blog post.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I LOVE this post! Thanks for sharing!