Monday, October 7, 2013

A Very Serious and Very Long Post About Dreams, the Subconscious, Energy, and Cotton Candy

In my dream, I am two people. When I am the first person, I am the speaker, and I am offering food to the second person, who is mute. The second person accepts the food gratefully, knowing that it is nourishing and good. But halfway through the meal, I yank the food away from the second person and hand him (him? why is it a he?) a big cone of cotton candy. Then, I switch to being the second person, and I refuse the cotton candy. I don't want it because it is useless to me. It has no nutritional value and I want something of value. Repeatedly, the first person forcefully shoves cotton candy at me, and I wordlessly throw it away, where it dissipates into the air. I say nothing while I am the second person, just shaking my head against the onslaught of the first person's demands that I accept and eat the cotton candy.

This element has popped up in my dreams every night for weeks now. It has been so disturbing that I have been very restless and my sleep has suffered. Even as the plot and scenery in my dreams changes each night, this element has remained. 

Finally, yesterday morning, I figured it out. Due to General Conference weekend (where I don't have to roll out of bed before 7am and shake the kids awake to begin getting ready for church), I got a few quiet moments to think and pray without distractions.

Let me preface my interpretation by telling you that I have been in frequent communication with my subconscious lately. I read The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson recently, and it was a nice culmination of the things I've been researching about energy, quantum physics, and the amazing biological machine that is a body. Great read. I highly recommend it to everyone. Dr. Nelson teaches, in essence, that each of us is made of energy (our physical bodies being a form of energy that vibrates at a low enough frequency to be visible to our eyes). Our thoughts and emotions are also energy and have their own vibrational frequencies; the lower the vibrational frequency, the more negatively we are affected. Sometimes, a negative emotion can become trapped within our electro-magnetic field, and the frequency of that trapped emotion (view it as a ball of energy) can begin affecting surrounding tissues and organs. Over time, the frequency (which promotes disease and ill health) can cause problems in our physical bodies, such as cancers and other illness. They certainly influence how we feel about ourselves and others. These trapped emotions can be created within us or inherited from others.

Our subconscious mind is the part of ourselves that runs the body. The subconscious takes care of all the automatic and reflexive systems that keep us alive so we don't have to consciously dwell on it. Imagine if we had to constantly tell our hearts to beat! So the subconscious mind is very aware of exactly what is going on within our bodies, including what is working and what is not. The subconscious can also tell where trapped negative emotions are residing. By using muscle testing (kinesiology), you can literally communicate with your subconscious to identify trapped negative emotions and dissipate them from your energy field. By releasing these trapped emotions, people have enjoyed some amazing results, from outright healing of symptoms to the ability to love and trust more fully.

So I've been releasing trapped emotions, and in the process have become pretty good at talking to my subconscious. Therefore, I recognized that it was my subconscious telling me something important in my dream. In fact, the mute person in my dream element represented my subconscious. And what it wanted to tell me consciously was that I am done worrying about the opinions of others. The only opinion I really care about is God's opinion of me and what I do. This is significant for me. Really significant. By releasing trapped emotions of low self-esteem, fear, being taken for granted, or love unreceived that became trapped during various episodes of my life, I have given up much of the need to please others at my own expense. The real food in my dream represents the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. The cotton candy, which is of no value even if it tastes sweet, is the fickle opinions and imperfect knowledge of man. The reason I was so restless before I figured this out was because I hadn't yet fully acknowledged this new reality in myself. Now I have. Last night, I slept peacefully for the first time in days.

I have seen other surprising results of my conversation with my subconscious. I released one trapped emotion that was residing in my right shoulder, and the constant pain that had been bothering me forever suddenly disappeared. My left kidney and gall bladder must be functioning better because a lot of trapped emotions were hanging out there (misery loves company, I guess, and one low frequency attracts another). My thinking and attitude have changed subtly, too, as I've broken down the wall around my heart. I've still got plenty of releasing to do, but I feel very connected to my body in a way I never have before.Obviously, my subconscious is talking to me in dreams, as well, which means we've become friends.

Why do I have a sudden craving for blue cotton candy?

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