Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She's Got Brains, She Does!

I was trying to explain socialism and communism to Elannah. I talked about how all things are held in common and no one has any personal possessions. I talked about how a few elite members of such a society are in charge of distributing everything that is produced and telling people where and how to work -- about how any money earned above a certain benchmark is taken and given to someone else who needs it more. This "utopian" society is supposed to create equal outcome as well as equal opportunity.

Elannah thought about it for a while and then said, "But that means no one would feel like it was worth it to work hard. Whatever they did would just be taken away and given to someone else."

Ah, my dear. At the tender age of 10, you have uncovered the great fallacy of Marxist reasoning.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I tend to think of Socialism and Communism as Satan's corruption of the United Order.