Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I May be Feeling Low but at Least I'm Not High

You wouldn't think my life had a lot of drama going on, but you'd be wrong. In the last little while, I have:

* Caused a Family Brouhaha of Epic Proportions Through My Own Stupidity
* Gotten High From Being Fed Ganja Brownies

That might not sound like much, but for the nearly middle-aged, stay-at-home-mom, quiet writer's existence that I have cultivated, it's pretty horrible.

I am just teasing you with this because I'm not at all in the mood to write more about either topic.

What I AM in the mood for is to eat a gallon of peanut butter/chocolate ice cream, but that's because I am stressed and craving carbs and not because of any illegal substances in my system. Besides, I ate the marijuana brownie days ago. That's over. I will explain that incident later when I feel more humorous, because it's kind of a funny story. Funny hmmm. Not funny ha ha.

In the meantime, I'm going to distract myself so I don't eat a gallon of ice cream. Tempting as the thought is, I find that extra pounds don't make me any less stressed. Hello, cello. Be my friend this evening.


The Father of Five said...

Can't wait to hear the story about the ganj brownie!! That's got to be a doosey!!

The Father of Five said...

Not sure if it was intended that way or not, but I just got the double entendre behind "Feeling Low" and "Hello cello"!

Good one!!