Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Home Decorating Progress

You've seen them in magazines and you've wanted one for yourself.


I've been loving this. It's the wall right next to the garage door, and it isn't visible unless you walk all the way into the kitchen. Yes, there are other chalkboard paint colors, but I liked the classic black. We were going to paint magnetic paint underneath, but it's $20 a quart (!) and you need three coats to make it magnetic enough to stick anything to it in a serious way. We figured if we want magnetic, we'll frame a piece of metal and hang it on the wall. What's more likely is that we'll just keep using the front of the refrigerator. The chalkboard is easy to clean with a wet cloth.

With a chalkboard wall, anyone can express him- or herself. Considering the little smart-alecks I've been raising, that may or may not be a good thing.

Here are the two shorter shelves. We put them up in the dining area near the back door, and they currently hold the piano books (of which there are not enough, in my opinion). They're IKEA shelves -- pretty but not sturdy -- so we put brackets underneath them to ensure stability. We did that in the kitchen, too.

Finally, I have a photo of the color swatches we put up for the wall going down the stairs. There are three of them. That might surprise you. The third color is so light it's hard to see at all. None of these colors made the cut. Ugh.


motherof8 said...

We painted many several multiples of 3 coats of magnetic paint in a rectangle on the kitchen/garage door and now it barely holds a magnet. I want to paint it over with dry erase paint, but am trying to decide whether to take the can of magnetic paint back to the shaker and add a few more coats first. It would have been better to just buy a magnetic dry erase board and mount it. I thought this would be more fun. Not much.

motherof8 said...

I like your chalkboard wall!

The Father of Five said...

I don't know who's dinner menu that was, but IT ROCKS!!!