Monday, March 22, 2010


Ooooh. I've got some things to say about this Healthcare Bill. I've been just stewing about it all day. While I don't have time to write the full 50-page essay entitled, "Why This Bill Stinks," let me just cut the suspense you feel in awaiting my opinion by saying,


Don't worry. I have a blog post draft saved on the subject, but I'm very incoherent right now. I have to order my thoughts, but I have to wait until I've made dinner and attended to the sick children littering the house, moaning and complaining about sore throats and fevers and ear infections. Sheesh. Suck it up!

(I'm kidding, of course. My poor kids. If it's not the flu, it's Strep Throat and ear infections and asthma emergencies. Who knew moving 45 miles could make you so sick? I'm just lucky I have been able to stay healthy and take care of them, the little darlings, who are about to be sent letters stating that the truant officers have been called because of all the missed days of school.)

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