Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coloner Virus

Xi Jingplague.

CCP Virus.

Kung Flu.

I'm dying. No, I'm laughing, but I'm just trying to be hip.

I attribute my ongoing health to copious consumption of Diet Ginger and Lime Coke, which flushes away any virus from my throat and down my gullet, where my killer stomach acids shred it to pieces. I'm also sleeping and waking whenever I want to, which means that my night owl tendencies keep me up until midnight or 1am and then I wake up around 8:30 or 9. No need to turn on the alarm, which makes me ecstatically happy. None of us feels the urge to go do fun, expensive things outside the house. If it weren't for the economic catastrophe looming on the horizon, I would think this was the ideal vacation.

A sampling of the crochet flower patterns I've been experimenting with using various yarn weights.
I am annoyed with social media, however, so I think I'm just going to stay away from that. Too many people online seem to be suddenly very self-righteous, more-so than usual. I'm seeing multiple memes about how people going to the grocery store are selfish, greedy, murderers (except the people who post the memes, of course, because the implication is that if they go to the grocery store, it's only for things they really need.). People I like and respect are getting shrill about seeing people driving in cars (look, Susan, people still have to work if they want to eat and pay the mortgage!) or walking down the street in family groups (hello! sunshine is one of the best disinfectants known to man!).

One of my former bus driver colleagues, who has since moved to the East Coast, has been hitting me up in my Facebook messages with what I can only describe as heavy flirtation. What?? I hardly ever spoke to the man when he was here. Maybe this chunky middle-aged woman schtick I'm rocking is really doing it for some people during this time of chaos and confusion. Fat chicks have more access to food, which means they're more resourceful or rich? Is that the attraction?

We're all getting a little cray-cray.

I still want to like people, and I've always found that is only possible when I limit my social media intake. If I was ever given the power to read others' minds, I am sure I would find it to be the ultimate curse, and social media is where people come the closest to allowing others to read their minds. Heck, here I am telling you, dear reader, stuff that's going through my head--though, in my defense, I share absolutely none of this on social media, and I expect no one to read it. Or care about it.

I made two infinity scarves. I made the blue one first out of worsted weight and then wore it out and about a few weeks ago, and a lady I am acquainted with at the gas station loved it and said she'd like a pink one, so I made her a pink one out of soft acrylic, but I haven't seen her since. I had a lonely single pearl earring hanging around, so I attached that to the center of the blue flower. I have a pearl bracelet I never use, so I'm going to take that apart and use a pearl from that for the center of the pink flower.
Husband and I had a conversation this morning about whether or not it is cowardice to keep your thoughts to yourself. When I say it out loud, it sounds ridiculous to think that being circumspect in what you say is equal to cowardice, though I can think of many situations where failing to stand up to speak or act would be an act of cowardice. But not sharing everything passing through your head is not a sign of cowardice. This brave new world of social media has warped the definition of what personal thoughts are essential to share with others. These days, it seems that if you don't share your opinion about everything, you are not "owning your truth," or some such nonsense, which is like saying that your opinion on any subject is worthy of merit, which it patently isn't unless you have serious knowledge and truth on your side--and even then, we humans are constantly finding out how wrong we are about things. Ironically, the more you know, the more you realize you don't know, so the truly educated will, in most instances, refrain from jumping to quick conclusions and spouting off about anything and everything via social media.

Which is not to say I'm guiltless of jumping to quick conclusions. I'm just thinking out loud here, not trying to make myself look like a paragon of thought virtue. This is another reason I keep Husband around: not only is he a lot of fun, but he is a very rational and logical thinker to counter my more chaotic bursts of insight.

Still feeling aftershocks from the big earthquake last week. Little Gary is finally sleeping in his bed again, so I've instructed everyone else in the house to avoid the subject.

Sophia agreed to be my model for the infinity scarf because I sure as heck wasn't going to be the model. Isn't she lovely?

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