Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kid History Makes My Mouf Feel Aw Tingwy!

The family behind the Kid History movies are at it again, and I have two new ones to add to the collection. I embedded the first four videos here and there are now two more for your viewing pleasure. I personally think the sixth one is the best so far, but as I have laughed repeatedly and heartily over all of them, it's kind of hard to pick a favorite.

The kids and I are always quoting these movies, proving that the geek genes that compel a person to quote movies at random moments, to the annoyance of everyone around them, is as much a product of  environment as heredity. We're in good company, though. Even the neighborhood kids have taken to creating their own t-shirts with quotes from the movies. One girl around the corner has a shirt that says "Girls are mermaids" on the front, and on the back, "Some boys are mermaids, too."

Gabrielle was sitting in one of her high school classes last week, supposedly reading quietly from her textbook. She started thinking about Kid History 6 and couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud. Her teacher asked her why she was laughing, since the textbook was not really conducive to humor, and Gabrielle explained she had remembered a quote from the movie. The teacher started quoting from it, as well, and soon all the kids were giggling over their favorite parts. It's become a phenomenon.

And here's a little bonus:

Those Roberts boys are geniuses.  Genii? Those Roberts boys are really smart.


Marissa said...

I want a Healthy Food Will Make You Strong
But Candy Will Make You Rich

LeShel said...

I've never seen these but today, in true keeping with the Sabbath behvior, I sat the boys down and we watched each episode. HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing.