Friday, November 22, 2019

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Sophia is currently a substitute bus aide, so when my aide, Reuben, needed a day off, she was assigned to my bus. You can't tell in this video, but she was really thrilled to be riding with her cool mom. I just don't think she conveyed that adequately in the video, so I wanted to clear that up. Thrilled! She's just too hip to show it. (I originally sent this video as a MarcoPolo to my oldest daughter, Sian. And yes, the bus was parked and turned off when I filmed this. Don't get your panties in a wad.)

In other news, my mother, one brother, and one sister have recently been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and are now using CPAP machines. Guess who's taking a sleep test next to see if her unutterable and increasing fatigue is a result of sleep apnea? The equipment is on its way, and one of our former neighbors was even kind enough to offer me her CPAP machine for free. She can't use it and she didn't want to toss it, so I came along at just the right time. So, if I do have sleep apnea (I would be shocked if I don't, since it does tend to run in families), I have the machine already, even if I have to change masks.

The only problem with being officially diagnosed with sleep apnea is that I might have an issue with my commercial drivers license. There is no law currently that requires CDL holders to have sleep apnea testing, but a medical examiner can temporarily suspend a CDL until a driver diagnosed with sleep apnea is getting treatment and is deemed safe as a driver. However, I am willing to take the risk. As I see it, I have two options: live like this forever and be worried that my increasing fatigue will cause cognitive issues that might impair my ability to safely drive children on a bus, or have my CDL temporarily suspended (if that does happen) but start to feel better and have more energy. I'll take the latter every time.

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