Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Five Generations

It finally happened.

The stars aligned: no one was sick, schedules were open, and the weather was okay for driving. The whole family got together to celebrate all the birthdays we'd missed for Elannah, Gabrielle, my dad, one of my brothers, and one of my sisters.

For the first time since Tyler was born nine months ago, we had all five generations together. Therefore, it was imperative that we take a picture.

From left to right: Tyler's great-great grandma, his great-grandma, his grandma, his mommy, and his cute wi'l self.
Also, Elannah went to her senior prom. For some reason, her high school always holds prom on Fridays, and since this is Utah, the kids have this all-day date tradition. This means that a lot of kids are absent from school on the day of prom. I don't care if my senior misses a day of school. By this point, I'm sick of school myself. I think I've had senioritis since I was a sophomore, and it just never went away.

This year, however, prom also coincided with the State One-Act Play competitions, which created a problem for Elannah and some of her drama friends. The competition was held in Cedar City, Utah, which is a good five hour drive from where we live. But I love a road trip, so I took the day off work and left early in the morning to pick up Elannah and a couple of her friends after they had performed their play, then turned around and drove all the way back. The girls did their hair and makeup in the car, and we still got back in time for them to have their pictures done. They missed the day-date, but they still went to dinner and the dance, which is always held at the Utah State Capitol building. Swanky!

Elannah's date was her friend Sho, the Japanese foreign exchange student, and they teamed up with a bunch of their other friends.

Wouldn't it be funny if the photographer had taken one of these poses with the boys?

Anyway, they had a lovely time at prom, and the one-act play won first place at State. That's a real feather in Elannah's ex-boyfriend's cap, as he was the playwright (not that he really needs his head swelled any larger). He's been accepted into the University of Utah's prestigious drama program as a freshman in the fall. I'm secretly glad that Elannah has no interest in pursuing acting as a profession or as an educational career.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Also, after a grueling twelve-hour push, I finally, finally finished the line edit on the manuscript today. Not only did my client need the editing finished so she could meet her publishing deadlines, but I did not want to head into the Easter break with that still hanging over my head. What a relief. To celebrate, I've only edited this post four times instead of five. I'm sure I've missed something, but I don't care.

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