You wanted pictures, I finally have pictures. Thought I'd share some of my favorites of Sian, her new husband and my new son-in-law, Nathan, and the family.
Before you look, yes, I'm fat. I started seriously gaining pounds after Husband was diagnosed with leukemia in 2010, when I literally felt my adrenal glands break from the stress. The weight piled on after that. I hate it, but there it is.
So now that my vanity has made this all about me, try to enjoy the pictures of that wonderful, poignant, joyful, amazing day.
The newly minted couple exit the temple annex doors to cheers and applause. |
In front of the east doors. |
In front of the Salt Lake City Temple |
I call this one "Loving Look" |
This is just cute. Also, it shows off Nathan's boutonniere, which my mother-in-law made. |
Left to Right: My MIL, Sian, my mother's mother (she's 92!), me, and my mother. |
It's like they're walking down a hallway of flowers with the temple in the background. It was a lovely (though windy) day. |
I want to frame this one. My little girl is so beautiful. Sigh. Also, it showcases the amazing bouquet that my MIL and SIL put together in Sian's wedding colors. |
Sian and her brothers. Left to Right: Little Gary (10), Sian, and Joseph (13) |
All my daughters together. What you don't see is that Elannah was trying to push Sophia's head down from behind, so they were busy giggling the whole time. Left to Right: Sophia (18), Elannah (16), Sian (22), and Gabrielle (20) |
I just love this one. I will frame this one, as well. All the time when my daughters were little and squabbling with each other, I reminded them that they needed to watch what they said to each other so that they could all be friends when they got older. Now they're all friends, and every time they get together, there's lots of laughter and joking. |
Our family with the happy couple. Left to Right: Elannah, me, Little Gary (in front of me), Sophia, Sian, Nathan, Gabrielle, Husband, and Joseph |
The extended family with the happy couple. We were really happy that Husband's sister's family travel plans from Wales coincided with Sian's wedding, so the British contingent of the family were well represented. My brothers are also there, as were my next oldest brother's wife and their children. |
She's still our baby, and we still get to kiss her. |